Student Safety
With all of the traffic before and after school it is very important that students are dropped off on the Lee side of the street or required to cross at a crosswalk. Please see that your children arrive early enough that they are not trying to rush to school in an unsafe manner.
Beginning at 7:50 a.m. we provide teacher supervision of students on the playground. Too often students are dropped off at school prior to this time, leaving them unsupervised and therefore at at-risk. Please see that your child arrives between 7:50 a.m. and 8:05 a.m. so that they are supervised and able to arrive at flag ceremony on time.
After School Guidelines For Grades One Through Five
At Lee Elementary School, maintaining the safety of our over six hundred students is our number one priority. In the interest of student safety and in keeping with our policy of minimum interruptions to classrooms during instructional time, we request that you observe the following guidelines:
- Pick up children on Shakespeare Street, in the parking lot at the designated pick-up area in front of room 3 or on Wembly Street.
- Be prompt in picking up students at the end of the school day. There is NO SUPERVISION after 2:40 p.m. Students are NOT allowed to wait in the playground areas. Only students registered in the Kids Korner program or other authorized after school programs are allowed on campus after school.
- Instruct your children that if no one arrives to pick them up after school, they must go to the office for assistance. The school office will ensure that the student is kept in the office area until someone is contacted and arrives to take them home.
- If possible, parents will notify the office when they will be more than 15 minutes late. The school office will NOT interrupt classrooms or search for the student to relay the message that the parent will be late.
- PLEASE DO NOT TELL CHILDREN TO WAIT ON STREET CORNERS OR AT THE PARK. The safety of your child is our number one priority!
Thank you for your cooperation!