Beginning in the third grade, teachers identify students who have exhibited characteristics of a gifted student. A screening process done by the site GATE Committee determines eligibility. This process includes screening surveys completed by teachers and parents, student work samples and student assessments. Identified students receive differentiated instruction in the classroom. This work often consists of group projects designed to teach leadership, cooperative learning, and higher level thinking skills.
The OLSAT assessment is used as one of the measures for our District's Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) screening. According to the OLSAT test protocols, two testing sessions are required and will be administered a week apart:
For more information visit the District GATE site
The tests take approximately one hour each to administer. If your child is absent for either of the above dates, he/she can be tested when makeup sessions are announced. Please reassure your child that this test is used to find out more about them as a student. Results are completely confidential and will be mailed home in early June.
If you have any questions, please to not hesitate to contact Melissa Davis, Director of Assessment & Accountability, Educational Service., (562) 799-4700 ext. 80462